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 Pro Evolution Soccer 2005

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مُساهمةموضوع: Pro Evolution Soccer 2005   Pro Evolution Soccer 2005 Icon_minitimeالأحد يناير 10, 2010 11:43 pm


Pro Evolution Soccer 5 has long been regarded as the videogamers football game, with more emphasis on gameplay and challenge than its rival FIFA. Here on Thunderbolt we’ve been constantly excited at this time of year as the new version nears completion, and nevertheless many lunch breaks were filled, deadlines over-run, controllers broken and swear words invented as the entire team (minus our Editor Phil, currently plotting world domination in his secret base-come-uninhabited volcanic island in New Zealand) gathered around at every available opportunity to march England onto World Cup glory. With both Gerrard andLampard in the same side.
There’s Rooney, about to go mental on that Italian fella.
Did we like PES5? More than that. Love? Even more; at one point we assigned a chair for the case to merely sit on and began making cups of the Thunderbolt brew for the disc to sup as we played away- Jim even let it review Far Cry’s Xbox outing as we got into arguments about 4-4-2’s and 4-3-3’s. Loved it? We lived it. It’s part of the team now, and is currently publishing news articles.
As has always been a key element in the PES series, possession proves to be the key, and this year things are no different. The opposition seem to exploit holes in the defence far more and will rarely give you time or space to dilly dally about; depending on their mentality, the computer will either hunt you down in packs of two or three players to try and pressure you off the ball, which is frightenly exciting to watch, or the midfield will drop deep and the defence push up to plug any gaps for your creative players to exploit. Should you lose the ball, you can expect a barrage as they run up the pitch on a counter attack, with wingers running full backs ragged and flair-ridden midfield players floating about trying not to be noticed.

That ugly, long haired, Brazilian git is Ronaldhino. I hate him.
Luckily, Konami seem to have gotten rid of the horrible end of game bug, in which if the ball was outside of the goal area when injury time was nearing to an end, the whistle would go off. Far more realistically, the ball now has to be in a non-attacking motion before play is ended, so if you’re attacking then you can afford to keep possession at the end of the box without fear of the whistle blowing just as you set off to take a final shot. The same can be said for running down the wings; before, a defence-splitting pass would be chased down, and just as you get to it the whistle would go, with your striker in the box unmarked. Now, you can get to the ball and cross it and still have the chance on goal. Again, the flip-side of this is agonising when defending, as you really have to hoof the ball out of the danger area to get the whistle to go, which adds an extra spice to the mix as you’re tested to the absolute limit as to whether you can keep your cool right up until the final whistle.

Off the pitch, there isn’t much new, however of what little additions there are make a huge difference to gameplay. There still isn’t a full license to cover the entire game* which means you’ll been spending a bit of time in the edit mode swapping players about and changing names. The most notable addition here is the potential growth meter, which changes how well players progress within the Master League.

Master League is the meat and bones of Pro Evolution Soccer, which allows you to take control of a club team and take them from the very depths of the football league and onto the highs. As you progress through the entire game you can unlock additional features to alter how many transfer points you start off with, to change the difficulty level to maximum and edit which teams enter which league. There’s also the option from the very start to either have the original team available or commence play with a bunch of misfits and lower-league drop outs. The former offers players to jump straight into management with their favourite team and build from there, with the latter offering far more of a challenge.
He’s getting a card for his shameless designer stuble.
When you start out, your little-known players will have dragged the clubs reputation through the dirt, and as such you won’t beable to attract the top talent during transfer windows. There’s not much overall skill, so attention has to be paid to individual preferences and you basically have to battle tooth and nail for results and try to drag the club up the league, achieve promotion and then start to build on European domination. As you keep playing the team starts to gel, which makes things slightly easier at best, and perhaps the key is to keep up fitness levels with the simplified training regimes. Winning games earns you more points, as do cup runs, and at the end of each season the teams wage bill is deducted from the overall amount, and having a negative balance means you get sacked and the game ends. To keep things fresh players develop skills and even deteriorate over time, so you get used to buying in promising youngsters as oldies retire and get regenerated. It’s a never ending process and ensures that even the top teams have to keep an eye out in the transfer market.

There are, of course, other modes of play such as domestic and international cups and leagues, the latter with optional cup matches, which offer the standard yet fun experience of playing without concern. And then we come to internet play.

It was always inevitable that football games would branch out online, and Konami seems to have learnt its lesson with the last Xbox outing. Now, both versions are internet ready, and lag issues have been vastly reduced by ensuring that both players each host a half each. Online rankings have been vastly streamlined; however it’s amazing that although Konami happily allow PESFan.com to set up leagues throughout the UK and generally look after the vast amounts of fans, I find it astounding that they don’t use their option files for use online. It’s incredibly annoying to go from your game on your memory card with correct kits, rosters and team names to the online community where everything is default and out of date. This detracts from the experience somewhat, and whilst most will argue that PES is about gameplay, I’m starting to get annoyed with the same old excuses. That said, games are extremely fascinating to participate in.

Without going further to spoil surprises, PES5 is as realistic to the beautiful game as the series has ever been, with the new gameplay tweaks keeping things fresh for fans and adding challenging elements to tackle and master. It’s a pain to have to almost see it as compulsory to splash out on Datel’s Max Drive* to get the best out of the game, but what with the limited capacity of Sony’s memory cards and the need to beable to backup important data it does seem that most PS2 and Xbox owners now own the device.

Despite the licensing issues, Pro Evolution Soccer 5 is once again the absolute pinnacle in the series, something we couldn’t changing. Some will moan that the new tweaks make the game too hard, but in all honesty each new addition in the history of PES has required players to take the game from a new angle and aspect, going back to basics in an attempt to master the new game engine. As with all games across all platforms, here at Thunderbolt Games we invite readers to our forums to converse on tactics, tricks and tips, and now is no different.

Fans of the series will be pleasantly surprised at how Konami has managed to keep PES on the same rails yet freshen things up, with new gamers finding a challenging yet rewarding experience. And with Konami themselves saying that they believe that can improve the game ten-fold on the next generation of systems, the present and immediate future looks very bright indeed.

Perhaps the improvement that will interest PC owners the most, though, is the full and proper integration of online gaming. Those who played the last generation of PES will be oh-so-familiar with the cumbersome, unfriendly, unstructured and unhelpful online options, that were seemingly tacked on as an afterthought. No such worries here. This is pretty much what we originally wanted, and can easily see ourselves losing many months to, er, conquering the world. Cough.

Any problems? Well, nothing major. The unofficial team names and at-times bizarre commentary are becoming more part of Pro Evolution Soccer folklore than an explicit reason to chastise the game. That said, it really would be nice to take the official materials away from FIFA and marry them up to a PES engine.

But it's hard to suggest fundamental improvements to a series that clearly knows its game, and is confident enough to take a few risks with it. It's an evolution rather than a revolution, certainly. But this time, it's a sizeable progression, and one that comes very strongly recommended. The best action football game on the planet? It is. Until next year...

It's that time of year again when updates of our favourite football games are released. Here we have Pro Evolution Soccer 5 which improves upon quite a lot so I'll cut out the small talk and get straight on with it. What does Pro Evolution Soccer 4 have to offer then? Well quite a lot actually. Game modes include Match mode where you can play a single game or penalty shootout and League Mode which allows you to take part in either a national league with club teams (you can choose from England, France, Germany, Serie A, Eredivisie or Liga Espanola) or an International league with a country of your choice. Cup Mode allows you to take part in an International or national cup competition and although no official cup competition names have been included it does allow you to simulate a few official competitions such as the World Cup or European Championships. There is also a Training mode, an Edit mode and of course the Master League mode (more on that in a moment). Every aspect of the game has been improved. Quite a few official teams have been included, the Master League mode has been reworked, player animations have been improved and now you'll notice the addition of first touch moves that really make things interesting. A referee can now be seen onscreen at all times and this time the referee decisions are far more accurate. To sum up then amazingly Konami have worked hard to improve the game since the release of the highly acclaimed Pro Evolution Soccer 3.

One of the key features of the Pro Evolution Soccer series is the Master League mode. In the previous versions you picked a team to play as but no matter who you picked you didn't have the team's real players and instead acquired a team that consisted of poor, mediocre and mildly talented players. The teams you played against though would have their correct players which meant you were up against it. The idea was that you had to slowly build up your team by purchasing promising players and taking them all the way to the top division and win the championship. In Pro Evolution Soccer 4 you can elect to start with the usual mixed bag of players (known as Master League Default players) or you can choose to start with Match Mode players which means you can pick a team and start with their true players. Finally you can create your own team. You get to create your team kits, logos and choose their ground. You'll begin with the original master league players but before the season starts you'll have the opportunity to exchange three of your players for any other players in the game.

Money has become a top priority in football and it's exactly the same in the Master League mode. You'll begin with a certain amount of money (how much depends on whether or not you've chosen to play with the Master League default players or the Match Mode players). Essentially you'll have your starting amount of money and notification of how much money will be taken to pay your expenses on week 44 of the season. Should week 44 roll around and you do not have enough money to pay your expenses (or if you don't have 16 players in your squad), it's game over. To earn money you need to get results on the pitch. Winning a match will earn you 800 points (points being the currency) whereas drawing will earn you 400 points and you'll earn no points for a defeat. You'll also get bonus points for goals scored and progression in the cup competitions you're involved in. You may also get a bonus for your final league placing.

The Master League mode also has one other major addition this time around. It's now possible for your players to acquire experience throughout their career and their attributes can increase as a result of their performance. This is an inclusion that longstanding fans of the series will no doubt be thrilled with. Don't think that it's possible to turn average players into superstars though as each player has a predetermined potential rating that can be achieved so an increase in their ability won't exceed their limitations. It's also worth mentioning that a player's abilities will also decline so as your long serving players come to the twilight of their careers you'll have to consider replacing them or be left with a player who just can't cut the mustard any more.

The PES Shop that was in Pro Evolution Soccer 3 can once again be found in Pro Evolution Soccer 4. For every match played you earn 50 PES points and with these points you can purchase a number of unlockables from the PES Shop (found in the options). Veterans of the series will be pleased to learn that a level 6 difficulty level (far too difficult for me) can be unlocked for 1500 points. Extra stadiums, players, a double match speed option, a couple of extra camera angles, a new ball and player editing features can all be unlocked too. For 10,000 points you can even purchase the right to edit the amount of points that you begin the Master League mode with and whilst this may seem like you're cheating I think after playing the required 200 matches to accumulate the required points I think you deserve a substantial reward.

As with all other sports titles the commentary is not subtitled but this doesn't mean Pro Evolution Soccer causes deaf gamers any problems. All information in the game is shown exclusively in text. All the training exercises are shown in text as are all the details and information in the Master League mode. In Pro Evolution Soccer 3, during a game, an icon appeared to show when the referee had played the advantage rule. This time around many more icons have been used to signify offside and direct and indirect free kicks. This is an excellent idea and provides deaf gamers with more feedback than they have ever had infootball game to date.
Well after that rather lengthy description of what the game contains all that remains is to comment on how the game plays. In a word it's sensational! Yes even taking into account the few problems that exist this is, by a long way, the best football game ever created. OK in terms of presentation it could be better but once a match kicks off you'll be very impressed by almost every single aspect of how the game plays. Whilst it's not 100% realistic it's not that far off and Konami have an enormous task in front of them if Pro Evolution Soccer 5 is to be better than this but I'm sure they will, once again, rise to the challenge and impress us all with the result. Pro Evolution Soccer 4 will also arrive on the PC and for the first time, the Xbox (which rather excitingly also features online play). Personally I can't wait to see the game on both of these technically superior formats because once again on the PlayStation 2 a footballing sensation has been created.


Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP
Intel Pentium III 800mhz or equivalent processor (Athlon/Duron/Celeron)
128mb RAM
NVIDIA GeForce 3 or ATi Radeon 8500 video card
Directx 8.1 compatible sound card
Directx 8.1 or higher (included on Disc 1)
Network (TCP/IP 64kbps or higher)
800MB free hard disk space

Recommended Spec

Windows 2000/XP
Intel Pentium IV 1.4Ghz processor
NVIDIA GeForce 4 Ti, ATi Radeon 9600 or higher
Directx 8.1 COmpatible sound card
Directx 8.1 or higher (included on disc 1)
Network (TCP/IP 1.5Mbps or higher)
3GB free hard disk space

مساحة اللعبه

700 MB


مع تحيات منتديات كل حاجة
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
mahmoud fayek
المدير العام
المدير العام
mahmoud fayek

عدد المساهمات : 530
نقاط : 1472
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/11/2009
العمر : 27
الموقع : mahmoud

Pro Evolution Soccer 2005 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مشكور   Pro Evolution Soccer 2005 Icon_minitimeالأحد يناير 10, 2010 11:51 pm

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Pro Evolution Soccer 2005
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