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 Pro Evolution Soccer 2004

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مُساهمةموضوع: Pro Evolution Soccer 2004   Pro Evolution Soccer 2004 Icon_minitimeالأحد يناير 10, 2010 11:27 pm

PES 2004


You are playing as England, the camera pans down the line-up, it lingers on Wayne Rooney and for a split second you think you are playing the latest Shrek game — that’s how realistic the graphics are on this superior football game. Quite how Konami manages to improve Pro Evolution Soccer year on year is astonishing. The intuitive control system and fluidity of the movement are of the highest standard and this year’s model includes a bag of new dribbling tricks, which are worth practising in the training mode. Even the referees have received an upgrade. Now they allow advantage to be played at certain points, and often penalise completely fair tackles with a yellow card, just like their real-life counterparts.

To be fickle, Pro Evolution Soccer 4 is a bit obsessed with formations and statistics — most teams play a variation of the 4-4-2 system, how the programmers came up with the mind-boggling list of alternatives, I’ll never know. But this is a minor quibble. With a PC and Xbox version due out in November, this really is evolution at its highest level.

that time of the year again; yes work comes to a grinding halt, even those who donâ??t have a passion for football crowd round the TV screen and attempt to wrangle a pad â?“the latest title in the hugely popular Pro Evolution Soccer series has well and truly arrived.

Billed as the greatest addition yet to the series, Pro Evolution Soccer 4 is quite frankly a masterpiece; we can say it relatively early on in the review, as there are literally no complaints that can be levelled at the game.

Having struck gold with Pro Evo 2, subsequent versions have all been a refinement of the formula, little enhancements that help to improve the fast and fluid nature of the game. In this respect Pro Evo 4 certainly doesnâ??t disappoint; slight improvements to the long-passing and crossing system, result in a game that feels even closer to the real thing.

Once again the control system has come under a tighter refinement, with the natural selection of pass, shots, tricks and tackles. PES4 utilises the single shoulder button to run system introduced in PES3 instead of the two button system pioneered in PES2, whilst the other is used to carry out special manoeuvres such as trapping the ball under close control, a variety of shimmyâ??s and flicking it on in order to make a run. As with previous titles so much satisfaction comes from the delights of caressing these two buttons and pulling off the myriad of moves available, with enough skill and perseverance youâ??ll soon be receiving balls with your back to the goal, collecting it with the R2 button and making a quick turn through the legs of your opponent.

The long ball game has also been vastly improved with much greater scope for the player to zip in 30yd balls exactly where you want. Crosses have benefited massively from this, as players can now zip in those curling crosses just in front of the defence that keepers hate, whilst you can also make use of cut-back passes â?“ although these occasionally create some unexpected results.

Particularly the running game has been improved by leaps and bounds; whereas it was all but impossible for dribbling experts such as Giggs and Owen to make defence-splitting runs in previous games, PES4 gives you a lot more control over your character, and makes it easier to change direction on the fly, alter the tempo of your running and throw off chasing defenders. Itâ??s not to the point where the game becomes a run-fest like previous FIFA titles, but it certainly helps to ramp up the excitement generated in the game, particularly when you do so with a bit of skill instead of blind luck. Certainly the wide range of moves available through combinations of the R1 and R2 buttons along with the analogue stick, allow you to draw the ball back under your control when you know youâ??ve taken it one step too far, along with favourites such as the 360 spin and shimmy.

Arguably the most significant improvement comes in the form of the AI, which quite frankly creates the most accomplished football experience that weâ??ve yet had from a videogame. Players make intelligent runs and narrow down attacks; tied into this is the enhanced through-ball technique, which can now be used with far more accuracy and effect then previous titles. Often youâ??ll notice clever players such as Rooney making runs in between the defence, setting up a perfect opportunity for a defence splitting through-ball.

Naturally the developers have increased the already impressive animations of the game, and as such not only does the game flow even more beautifully then before, but also increases the range of moves available to the player, most notably in the shape of volleys. Again the ball physics aptly demonstrate how a football game should be created, and as is the case with most of the aspects of PES4, this has once again been improved upon previous versions. The ball appears to bounce around a lot more and requires players to take stronger control of it; however the sheer brilliance of the control system ensures that youâ??re always able to make something of it â?“ such players as Beckham can whip in volleyed crosses with a deft touch and absolute precision.

Itâ??s definitely the finer touches that Konami have worked on; hardcore PES fanatics will notice such details as players having a tighter control of the ball, so that players canâ??t just run towards them with X and make an easy challenge all the time. Particularly if players do try this the game has given more scope for players to make turns away from the challenge and make a speedy run up the pitch. Itâ??s these points, which may not sound like a great deal, that help to create an authentic, yet at the same time, delightfully enjoyable game of football â?“ it simply doesnâ??t get any better.

Finally fans will be glad to know that PES4 marks the first time that a referee is constantly on the pitch, and whether or not itâ??s his presence on the pitch, but thankfully the advantage system introduced to PES3 now actually works. Throughout games youâ??ll notice the referee playing the advantage when itâ??s needed, and pulling play back if the opposition gains control of the ball. Although youâ??ll get the odd occasional dubious decision, much like in real-life, the refereeâ??s decisions no longer frustrate the experience, theyâ??re pretty much spot on throughout the game.

Away from the improvements made on the pitch, Konami have once again gone to town with the Master League mode. Not only are there a greater variety of leagues on offer, but you can also train your players during practise matches to bring up their match fitness. The transfer system works on a similar basis as before, whilst itâ??s possible to start the Master League with actual players from the club as opposed to a bunch of nobodyâ??s.

One constant bugbear of the series that still remains is the ever-important issue of licenses; despite offering an increase of official leagues and clubs, English fans will still find themselves playing with teams such as â??Man Redâ?? or â??Mersey Bluesâ??. Fans of Italian, Spanish or Dutch teams will be pleased to know however that Konami have snagged the rights for such leagues, with teams featuring the correct players and more importantly the smaller details such as authentic team strips and badges.

Arguably more important is the fact that PES4 misses out on all the summer transfers, so youâ??ll have to be using the handy player editor to ensure the likes of Wayne Rooney and Didier Drogba are at their respective clubs, whilst the England squad benefits from the services of Paul Scholes. Itâ??s certainly an improvement compared to previous versions, however thereâ??s still some way to go in this aspect if Konami want to equal the gloss of the FIFA titles.

Fans of the PES Shop introduced in PES3 will be happy to know that the feature has returned with even more significance. PES points are granted throughout the various modes for such criteria as winning games or scoring a certain amount of gaols, which in turn can be used to unlock a huge variety of goodies, including replay effects and new stadiums.

Visually the game is once again a mixture of the good and the bad. Player models on the whole capture the look of real-life players well, although there are one or two which look slightly odd. The animation is up to the usual top-notch standard that we expect from the Pro Evo series, however stadiums and just the general look of the pitch and other objects is beginning to look a little outdated, particular in comparison to the visual delights of FIFA 2005.

Peter Brackley and Trevor â??I havenâ??t got a clueâ?? Brooking return to provide match commentary, and as with every other aspect, itâ??s an improvement upon previous versions but itâ??s likely youâ??ll still reach for the mute button after a short time. Particularly American sports titles have shown us how good commentary can be in videogames, and we just hope that one day Pro Evolution Soccer can offer the same.

With the series famed for its intuitive controls and the realistic movement of players on and around the ball, Konami TYO has further pushed the envelope with a wealth of new moves and tricks that flow fluidly within the fast-paced action. New free kick and penalty techniques can now be used, while an innovative indirect free kick move has been implemented to add further variety to set pieces. This level of realism has also been extended to the game's many players. More individuality can now be found in the ways players run, move both on and off the ball, and how they control the ball. Likewise, even more advanced player stats that govern every aspect of their play affect how well players can bring a high or fast ball under control, hit it first time past an encroaching defender, or flick the ball on to a team-mate. A new dribbling system is also available giving more control as players go one-on-one and try to pass opposing players, while crosses and cut-back passes can now be made with more precision. In keeping with this level of detail, player likenesses are also enhanced to match the noticeable individuality of the world's greatest stars. Pro Evolution Soccer 4 will also boast an on-screen referee for the first time. A new 'My Best Eleven' option allows fans to save their greatest teams for prosperity, and players can now be forced to retire through severe injury during the course of a Master League season, forcing the user to work around the loss of key stars and restructure around the abilities of suitable replacement players. [Konami


Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP
Intel Pentium III 800mhz or equivalent processor (Athlon/Duron/Celeron)
128mb RAM
NVIDIA GeForce 3 or ATi Radeon 8500 video card
Directx 8.1 compatible sound card
Directx 8.1 or higher (included on Disc 1)
Network (TCP/IP 64kbps or higher)
800MB free hard disk space

Recommended Spec
Windows 2000/XP
Intel Pentium IV 1.4Ghz processor
NVIDIA GeForce 4 Ti, ATi Radeon 9600 or higher
Directx 8.1 COmpatible sound card
Diectx 8.1 or higher (included on disc 1)
Network (TCP/IP 1.5Mbps or higher)
3GB free hard disk space


DEVELOPER: Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo
GENRE(S): Sports
ESRB RATING: RP (Rating Pending)
RELEASE DATE: October 15, 2004

مساحة اللعبه


مع تحيات منتديات كل حاجة
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
mahmoud fayek
المدير العام
المدير العام
mahmoud fayek

عدد المساهمات : 530
نقاط : 1472
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/11/2009
العمر : 27
الموقع : mahmoud

Pro Evolution Soccer 2004 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مشكور   Pro Evolution Soccer 2004 Icon_minitimeالأحد يناير 10, 2010 11:40 pm

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مشكورمشكورمشكورمشكورمشكور مشكور
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Pro Evolution Soccer 2004
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