هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمنتديات gonowأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
قال مراسل بي بي سي في غزة شهدي الكاشف إن الطائرات الحربية الإسرائيلية قصفت مبنى تابعا لمطار غزة الدولي في مدينة رفح جنوب القطاع. وأضاف مراسلنا أن الغارات لم تسفر عن وقوع إصابات في الأرواح لحد الآن. يُذكر أن مطار غزة، الذي يقع في منطقة حدودية خالية من السكان، مغلق منذ سنوات أمام حركة الطيران وجميع مبانيه مُدمرة، وهو قريب من أنفاق التهريب بين قطاع غزة ومصر. وكانت الطائرات الاسرائيلية قد أطلقت في الثاني من فبراير/ شباط الجاري صاروخا على أحد المباني الخالية في مطار غزة الدولي جنوبي مدينة رفح. وتأتي هذه الهجمات بعد أيام من اعلان السلطات الاسرائيلية عن عثورها على براميل تحوي متفجرات على الساحل الاسرائيلي. وكان رئيس الحكومة الاسرائيلية بنيامين نتنياهو قد قال في مؤتمر صحفي مشترك عقده قبل أيام مع ضيفه رئيس الحكومة الايطالية سيلفيو برلسكوني إن اسرائيل سترد على حادثة المتفجرات

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 اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط

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عدد المساهمات : 702
نقاط : 1368
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/12/2009
العمر : 28

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بعض الصور

اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط 929245_20060302_screen001

اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط 929245_20060302_screen001

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تقييم موقع gamespot للعبه
Gameplay 8
Graphic 9
Sound 9
Value 8
Tilt 8

قصة اللعبه
With the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy more
than two years in the past now, it seems a bit weird that EA is still
pushing ahead with its Lord of the Rings game franchise. After all,
2004's The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth already
covered all the ground from the movies. EA's solution, though, was to
unify the movie franchise with the general Tolkien license, so now the
games can feature ******* from both the movies and the many
Middle-earth books that J.R.R. Tolkien wrote. Armed with this unified
license, EA has gone about and created The Lord of the Rings, The
Battle for Middle-earth II, a real-time strategy game that features all
of Middle-earth, and not just the stuff we saw in the movies.
Battle for Middle-earth II focuses mainly on the northern part of
Middle-earth, where elves, dwarves, and goblins battled it out while
those pesky hobbits trekked to Mt. Doom. That means there are new races
and factions that we didn't get to see in the original game, complete
with their own heroes and specialized units. The elves are supreme
archers, the dwarves are miners who build giant war machines, and the
goblins rely on spiders and sheer numbers to swamp you. Battles take
place in familiar places, such as the Shire, and in unfamiliar places,
unless you've read the books, such as Dol Guldur. And if you liked the
factions and settings from the original game, don't worry, because they
all appear in the game's overarching War of the Ring mode in one form
or another.

The two single-player campaigns in Battle for Middle-earth II, one for
good and the other for evil, are easily the weakest part of the game,
in that they consist of the same, ******-cutter real-time strategy
missions that you've probably played countless times already. There's
little here that hints at originality, a situation made worse by the
decision to remove some of the more unique ideas from the original
game, such as building nodes. In the first Battle for Middle-earth, you
could construct buildings on only a few predetermined points of the
map, which eliminated the base sprawl problem seen in most real-time
strategy games. It also forced you to spread out in order to seize the
remote building nodes, which meant that your forces were usually
stretched thin trying to defend remote outposts. While Battle for
Middle-earth II does try to force you to spread out by the way farms
and mines work (you can't concentrate resource centers because it
limits their cumulative effectiveness), you usually needn't worry,
because all you really need to do is build up a huge core base and
defend it. So basically, much of the strategy in these missions
involves "turtling up" in a defensive shell until you manage to
research all the unit upgrades, and then sending out a massive force to
sweep the enemy off the map.

While the single-player game is fairly generic, it is at least saved by
some of the rich Tolkien mythology. Once again, you command armies in
the form of companies and hero units. Soldiers, archers, and cavalry
come in company formations of about 20 to 30 units in size, and they
form the bulk of your army. Your hero units include notable characters
from the books and movies, such as Aragorn and the Witch King, and
they're far more powerful than regular units, with special abilities
that they can bring into play. They're also far more expensive to
purchase. Meanwhile, once again, you can draw upon special army powers
that you purchase by accumulating certain points. These powers can
range from summoning a fiery balrog to instantly turning a portion of
the battlefield into a lush forest, which confers bonuses to any good
units in its midst. Also, it's worth noting that the artificial
intelligence is better than it was in the original game, as it's
usually pretty good about hitting you where you're vulnerable, which
means that the computer can send units around you from the sides.

The good news is that things get really interesting once you play with
the new War of the Ring mode. Essentially, War of the Ring links all
the real-time battles to an overarching strategic campaign, but one
that's deeper than the superficial strategic mode in the original
Battle for Middle-earth. There are a number of different War of the
Ring scenarios to choose from, but the basic goal is that you will try
to lead your side to victory by conquering all of Middle-earth,
province by province. You can re-create the entire epic scale of the
war, with the elves, dwarves, and men battling the goblins, Mordor, and
Isengard--you control one of the factions, while the computer controls
the others. Or you can set it up so perhaps the dwarves and elves
battle each other, or any combination.

اقل مواصفات للعبه
OS - Windows XP
Processor - Intel Pentium 4/AMD Athlon 1.6 GHz
Memory - 256 MB RAM
Hard Drive - 6 GB
DVD Drive - 8 SPEED
Video Card - 64 MB*
Sound Card - DirectX 9.0c compatible
DirectX - Version 9.0c
LAN - TCP/IP Compliant, 2-8 players
Online - 56.6 Kbps; 2 Players
Online - Broadband; 3-8 Players
Input - Keyboard, Mouse

DirectX 9.0c is included on this disc and may require the latest
drivers for your video and sound card. *Supported video cards: NVIDIA
GeForce3 or greater (NVIDIA GeForce4 MX is not supported). ATI Radeon
8500 or greater. Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not
supported. 512 MB RAM required for online play with 3 or more players.

لقطات فيديو للعبه
video 1

video 2

video 3

video 4

اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط Moz-screenshot-7اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط Moz-screenshot-8
اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط Zmh2jc
النسخة التجريبية

اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط 2qsw5fc

اللعبة الكاملة

اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط 2qsw5fc


اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط Icon_rr اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط Icon_rr اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط Icon_rr اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط Icon_rr اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط Icon_rr اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط Icon_rr اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط Icon_rr اللعبه الرائعهThe Battle for Middle-earth II برابط واحد فقط Icon_rr

مع تحيات
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